Donna McCarey Featured in The Who’s Who in Building & Construction

Donna McCarey, President of McCarey’s Landscaping, was featured in the spring/summer 2019 New York City edition of The Who’s Who in Building & Construction. McCarey’s Landscaping was recognized for their quality work in landscape and construction, as well as their numerous certifications that set them apart from other companies.

Click here to view the spring/summer 2019 New York City edition of The Who’s Who in Building & Construction.

CE NEWS for the business of civil engineering

ORANGE COUNTY, N.Y. — For many years, in rural parts of New York state and surrounding areas, receiving proper natural gas flow had been a challenge for the thousands of properties that dotted the international boundary between the United States and Canada, from Lake Erie to Westchester County, N.Y. But in 2002, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a proposal for a new, large-diameter natural gas pipeline system. In 2006, after a lengthy environmental review and a changing natural gas marketplace, the FERC amended the original plan, and in June 2007 authorized Millennium Pipeline to commence construction. By December 2008, the 182-mile-long, 30-inch-diameter pipeline had been laid in the ground and was in service, successfully delivering 525,499 dekatherms per day. But the project itself was not quite complete.

By Tom Wedegaertner

Site clearing begins for Wallkill roadway connector

TOWN OF WALLKILL – The first step in building the long-awaited roadway connector to link the Galleria at Crystal Run with shopping centers on the west side of Route 17 – clearing the site – began Thursday.

A Middletown-based contractor, McCarey’s Landscaping Inc., was working at the Orange Plaza and Dunning Farms centers, starting the $5.4 million roadway project.

By Richard J. Bayne

New SUNY Orange child-care building under way in Middletown

MIDDLETOWN — Work crews have already started to dig up the SUNY Orange tennis courts on South Street, the first step in a $60 million project that will yield the college two new educational buildings and a four-level parking garage.

By Nathan Brown

Lawn-care companies wilting

MIDDLETOWN — The brutal summer heat has cooled demand for many small landscaping businesses, adding distress to a sector already hurt by the recession. Last month, temperatures were above normal along the East Coast and several central U.S. states, with some cities – such as Hartford, Conn., Providence, R.I., and Washington – breaking records, according to the National Climatic Data Center.

The Wall Street Journal


No Splendor in the Grass

MIDDLETOWN- With more lawns turning brown, “business has dropped substantially,” says Tim McCarey, owner of McCarey Landscaping Inc. in Middletown, N.Y., which offers lawn-care and landscaping services. He estimates revenues are down by about 30% from this time a year ago, and says he’s had to reduce the number of workers he employs during summer to 38 from more than 50. “We’ve had to lay off people because the dryness affected us so much.”

By Sarah E. Needleman